I'm trying to eat nonprocessed foods, and I'm going backpacking this weekend. Given my past experiences, these two facts seem to be in conflict. My standard camping fare includes a lot of instant potatoes, freeze-dried entrees, Ramen noodles, and store-bought granola bars.
This time, I'm trying to emulate the food choices of John Muir, Kit Carson, or maybe Commodore Perry. It's a bit challenging, because fresh, whole food is heavy, more bulky, and takes longer to prepare. Some things can be dried, of course (and I will). Lewis and Clark did a lot of hunting on the way, which I can't but shouldn't need to for 2-1/2 days.
However, it does make me respect those who have gone before, those without nylon, Gore-Tex, aluminum cookware, and (gasp!) Even without Ziplocs. THOSE were explorers. They were tough. I am a poor copy, but I do given my forbears full props for their efforts.
My menu for the trip? Well, for Friday night I'm packing fresh Cornish hens for the group, to be roasted on a spit complete with stuffing from the homemade bread loaves I'm also taking. Of course, I'm taking some cheese, dried fruit, and making some granola bars for lunches. The other guys are taking stuff for group dinner Saturday night and for breakfasts.
Hey, maybe THAT'S how Daniel Boone did it: convince the *other* guys to carry the grub!