Friday, March 12, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

I hope you're also taking advantage of this unseasonably beautiful weather! I was supposed to spend the afternoon writing, but it was so nice out that I decided to use a couple of hours to work on the garden instead. I finished up the side rails for the main bed (which I had started working on before the New Year). With the ground unfrozen, I was able to drive the support stakes and finish up the bed:

All of this was constructed from scavenged lumber, meaning the final cost for the project: $0.

It is my considered opinion that if the sight of a raked raised bed, filled with black Midwestern loam, doesn't stir your heart to want to plant something, you have nothing of the gardener in your soul.

I was tempted to transplant my lettuce and spinach seedlings that are currently outdoors under my cold frame, but I really think this weather is a false Spring and we'll get another snow. So, I'm remaining true to my garden plan and exercising restraint. For now.

Soil Testing
Also, I tested my soil today and found that it's ph neutral (around 6.8 - 7.0) and high in potash, but it could use some potassium and nitrogen. My compost pile has been building all summer, but hasn't had a spate of warm enough weather to finish "cooking." I'll probably buy a few bags of compost from the store, especially since I could use a few more inches of good soil to raise the level closer to the top of my bed rails.

There's always something to do in a garden!

1 comment:

  1. A kindred spirit!
