Sunday, March 7, 2010

Seedlings, anyone?

Hey everyone--

I have a bunch of 2-week old lettuce seedlings (mixed varieties) that I seeded too abundantly. I've already pulled out 16 to grow to maturity (which is way more than we can use in any one planting cycle), and I probably have thirty or more which I'd love to give away to good homes. You can grow them in just about any container, under fluorescent lights or near southern-facing windows.

Any takers?


  1. I'm tempted but can't come over to adopt them until Tuesday. Just a container and southern light? I can do it. I hope I don't kill it. lemme know! Thanks for sharing! Beck

  2. Tuesday is totally fine...all they'll do is just get bigger. I'm home before noon and after 6:30. Just bring something to transplant them into!
